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Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2016

Fan Walk HUT RI ke - 71

Foto bersama karyawan PT INUKI, Direktur Utama (Bambang Herutomo),  Direktur Produksi (Prasuad) dengan Kepala BATAN (Djarot S. Wisnubroto) 

(19/8/2016) Dalam rangka memperingati HUT RI ke-71, Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional atau yang disingkat BATAN mengadakan kegiatan fun walk mengelilingi kawasan Puspiptek Serpong. Kegiatan ini di ikuti oleh pegawai BATAN dan karyawan PT INUKI (Persero).

Jumat, 12 Agustus 2016

Fuel Elements for Research Reactors

The facility was design under cooperation with NUKEM GmbH-Germany for producing plate type U3O8-Al, U3Si2-Al dispersed fuel element and reactor control elements from enriched Uranium-235 up to 20%.

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2016

Technetium-99m Generator

 The Tc-99m generator is a simple and fast system to obtain Tc-99m injection solution is ready for direct application and or under the combination with a certain ligand is used in the diagnosis of anatomical and functional of particular organ.

Iridium-192 Sources

The PT Inuki (Persero) range of sources and source holders caters for most industrial applications using gamma radiography.